Thursday 15 January 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze (Xbox 360 - 2014)

If you know me at all, you'll know i'm a fan of the turtles. But the proper turtles, ya know, the 80/90's ones, even the 2007 TMNT cgi film was pretty good and I didn't mind the recent Megan Fox as April effort. The games have often been quite entertaining, especially back in the day. I loved the 2 turtles games I had on my Amiga and I enjoyed replaying one of them on Xbox arcade and it's tarted up version. But there has yet to be a re-release of the very original 2D side scrolling awesome game I used to love, until now!

Well, sort of. Considering this based on the extremely annoying new Nickelodeon version of TMNT where Casey Jones is a 12 year old, Crang is a pain in the arse, April is a bit useless and for some godforsaken reason they say "booyakasha" instead of COWABUNGA!!! I got genuinly angry the 1st time I heard them say booyakasha instead, it's fucking retarded, they say COWABUNGA godamnit!!

And breathe. Sorry about that, but it's true. Anyway, the last TMNT game in the Nickelodeon verse was bad, but an entertaining 3D brawler, like turtles games should be. This is a single player only side scrolling affair. But don't for a second think this is a remake of the classic Amiga (or Nes if you're that way inclined) original. It simply takes the idea from it and ruins it and make it ludicrously hard.

For what is essentially a kids game, my god it's hard. If one of your turtles die, that's it, they're dead, unless you're lucky enough to find them hidden in the games maze like world and due to the stupid save system it's easier to simply reload your save when you die than to actually load up from the checkpoints, which take you back further than your save..... I know, it makes so much sense right. Oh yeah and as I said earlier, the whole game is a maze and trying to work out where you're suppost to go is a nightmare. God knows how kids managed with this game.

Basically it's terrible, easily one of the worst games i've ever played. But I did manage to complete it. Mainly 'cause I was determind to not be beaten by it :D

3/10 (if it wasn turtles, it'd probably have got a 1 or 0)

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