Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sucker Punch (Extended cut) (2011)

Sucker Punch is one of those films I've seen a quite a few times, but i'm not sure why. When I saw it at the cinema, I liked it, but I didn't think it was brilliant. It looked very nice, I do very much like the Director's (Zak Snyder) style. He also did the far superior and one of my favourite films Watchmen.

The film can be summed up like this. 5 young girls go into a weird fantasy world in the lead girls head to obtain items to help them escape the mental asylum they're in. It dosen't really make any sense. But the fantasy worlds all look amazing, where they pointless kill zombie nazis, massive samurai, dragons or robots in very stylish ways. Using guns (that wouldn't have been made when the film was set, but hey ho), swords or mechs.

The "extended" version only added 3 scenes I noticed that were different. 1 added sing/dance number, which looked really cool, like something from Moulin Rouge maybe. The 2nd was a big extension to one of the fantasy scenes which made it make a bit more sense. But the 3rd added about 5 minutes to the ending and did help to explain the "did you see the way she looked at me" bit.

Basically this is a big dumb fantasy blockbuster where young girls kill things and it looks very pretty. Don't expect a detailed plot, turn your brain off and enjoy.


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