Friday 23 January 2015

PS1 "retro round-up" Volume 1

This is going to be a new segment I have dubbed "retro round-up". I have recently got into the world of retro gaming/collecting, well ok, mainly PS1 games, but it's fun and interetesting to see how some games have aged and here is mini-reviews of about half a dozen games I tried yesterday:

Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis -
I like the logic behind this, take your average addictive tennis game (smash court tennis), put the biggest (and then prettiest) tennis lady on the cover/title and voila, it'll sell more.
Back in the day I loved this game, it was super addictive with cute cartoon graphics. It was one of my main 2 player games. Now, the graphics are still quite cute, if obviously very dated, but the game mechanics are bloody hard, I couldn't even win a game on easy!
Then - 8/10
Now - 3/10

Area 51 - 
A port of an already quite bad light gun arcade game, although i've always loved light gun games. Especially back then, when I used to be able to dual wield John Woo style and kick ass!
Nowadays, I can't play it with a lighgun due to LCD TV's. But I also can't play it because I appear to have got a duff copy that will only play about a minute of the game before it glitches and repeats the same section of gameplay, but with no bad guys to shoot.
Then - 6/10
Now - ??/10

Tommi Makinen Rally -
If I remember correctly, this was only brought out to cash in on the Colin McRae rally craze of the late 90's. Back then it was bad, but my god now it's horrible. The graphics are standard PS1 racing graphics, but the car physics are mad, cars bounce for no reason and the slightest tap of an (often invisible) wall will spin you 180 degrees for no reason.
Then - 5/10
Now - 1/10

Time Crisis -
My fav light gun game back in the day. The PS1 version runs slower than the arcade version, but was still brilliant.
Now I have to play it without a lightgun, it's so much more awkward, especially the controls. But the game itself still feels great.
Then - 9/10
Now - 7/10

Crash Bandicoot (3) Warped - 
I loved Crash back in the day. I remember playing the demo of the 1st game more than the games I got with the actual PS1 itself. If memory serves me correctly they got worse and easier as they went along. But after playing this one yesterday it was still brilliant. Gameplay wise this game could've been made today. Graphically it wasn't terrible, much better than all of the above games. I guess that's why all the Crash games are worth alot on ebay now.
Then - 8/10
Now - 8/10

Tekken 2 - 
I never liked Tekken 1, but 2 was light years better. I think cause Lei was always my fav and he was introduced in this one. What can I say about this today? Well not alot because my game wouldn't work at all. It thought it was a music CD. So yeah, go ebay!!
Then - 8/10
Now - ??/10

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