Sunday 25 January 2015

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Did you know that when this came out 24 years ago that it was a massive flop. In America no one liked it, it did appauling in pre-release things and partially went straight to video. If it wasn't for us Brits this masterpiece quite possibly would have simply faded to obscurity. You see, we got it and liked it alot more than the yanks and then it became a hit and because of us, it eventually became the hit it is.

This is without a doubt (in my opinion) Tarantino's best film. Pulp Fiction is good, but overrated. I almost prefer Jackie Brown to Pulp, but i'd have to re-watch them again to be sure. The Kill Bill's are entertaining but by no means a good film/films. An aquired taste I'd say. Inglorious Bastards was just a bit shit. Django was very good, if a bit long but not very Tarantino-esque. If anything his 2nd best film is True Romance, which he only wrote.

Anyway, Reservoir Dogs. This film is brilliant. Especially considering for about 75% of it's running time, it's just some middle aged men looking cool and talking. It's all very stylishly shot and one thing I didn't remember (I must've seen this maybe 4-5 times before) is the action sequence with Steve Buscemi's Mr Pink. It's fucking amazing! One of the best action scenes I've ever seen, especially for an American film.

There's not alot else you can say about this really. It's acted brilliantly with a cast of actors that are very under rated even today (Michael Madsen & Steve Buscemi are always brilliant). Harvey Keitel is effortlessly cool, even for a quite short fat guy. Tim Roth is the only one that slightly let's it down for me. I don't like him that much. I don't know why, but I never have. Also if there is any part of this film to be considered bad/boring, it's his back story bit, which is just less interesting, but maybe that's just me.

Reservoir Dogs is one of the best films ever mad, FACT! and would easily be in my top 10 films ever.


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