Sunday 11 January 2015

My Top 10 games of the year (2014)

I thought to get you aquainted to my tastes in games (and soon films) I will do a top 10 of last year, with mini reviews for each.

10 - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
As much as I enjoyed playing this (MGS has always been a favourite of mine) and as cool as Keifer Sutherland is at the voice. This is essentially a £15-20 demo and for that reason alone I can't put it higher than 10.

9 - Murdered: Soul Suspect
This was a nice suprise as I'd mainly read bad things about it but I've no idea why. Ok it's VERY short (about 6-7 hours and that's with getting the full 1000 gamerscore), but the plot's different, it makes you think and it's actually quite creepy at times.

8 - Wolfenstein: The New Order
In terms of plot and whatnot, this is the dumbest game of the year. It might as well be called kill nazi's in space. Yes, you get to kill nazi's in space. What else can I say.... The shoot em up mechanics are solid as is the rest of the silly plot, but somehow even though it comes on 4 discs the game itself was still pretty short (about 12 hours I think).

7 - Grid Autosport
I'm a big racing game fan, but they are getting fewer and farer (is that a word?) between. This is one of the best in terms of variety of motorsport. I clocked up around 70 hours on this which is very unusual for me. Solid racing game, if a bit hard.

6 - The Wolf Among Us
After playing this companies last Game (The Walking Dead Season 1) I had to try this. TWD was easily the best game of that year. This isn't as good, but the mystery and atmosphere are all really well done. Plus it looks amazing and the whole mythology of "The fables" almost got me into reading the comic it's based on..... Almost!

5 - Alien Isolation
Now, if you know me you'll know I don't scare easy, if at all (Evil Within, yawn!) but this.... Well lets just say hiding from the Alien is one of the most tense/scary things you will ever have to do. Ok, after a while the idea where's a bit thin and as soon as you get the flame thrower it's alot easier (and the game's too long). But, it managed to creep me out, which is a massive achievement in itself.

4 - The Walking Dead: Season 2
As I mentioned above, the 1st season of this was amazing, never has a game made me cry before, but oh boy did that. This, isn't as good as the 1st one. But a decision you have to make at the end was positively gut wrenching I truelly didn't know what to do. 2nd most emotional game ever, only beaten by itself last year.

3 - Peggle 2
What can I say about Peggle other than it's seriously a-fucking-dictive. I got the 1st one when it was on sale for about 90p and loved it, so this was a day one purchase and it was worth it. Bloody awesome addictive puzzle goodness at it's best.

2 - Forza horizon 2
I really wasn't sure if this should've been no.1 or not as I loved this game, I played it to death (a good 50+ hours I think). Best racing game I've played in a long time. Beautiful open world, great selection of cars and much less annoying Americanisms than the 1st.

1- South Park & The Stick of Truth
Well what I can say about this game. I don't like South Park that much anymore, it's not a programme and actively watch (family guy is much better in my opinion). But this game is ingenius. For starters it looks exactly like the show, you could litterally be watching the show. The RPG elements are easy yet complex (which is good for me as I suck at RPG's) and it's bloody hilarious! From the clever mocking of other games to having to fight your way through Mr Slaves asshole (yep!) it was just brilliant. Best RPG i've played since Final Fantasy VIII.

So there you go. This was quite hard to do actually as I realised I hadn't actually played that many new games this year, let alone good ones. But I think I managed it. Let me know if you agree or not in the form of a comment below (I believe that's how it works on here).

Au revoir!

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