Tuesday 27 January 2015

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell (Xbox 360)

I don't care what the boring people say, Saints Row is awesome! Well, 2 onwards anyway. If you have a sense of humour bypass and don't enjoy fun games go elsewhere. The newer Saints games are known for the mad weapons and some inspired comedy (the dildo baseball bat spring to mind). I still remember pissing myself laughing when I was rushing to save a character at the finale of Saints Row The Third and "holding out for a hour" by Bonnie Tyler came on. Genius.

Unfortunately, as much as I like Saints Row, Gat out of hell does let the side down a bit. Many people may have complained that Saints Row IV was glorified dlc, which to a degree it was. But it still took a good 20-30 hours to complete, which is a damn site longer than 90% of games nowadays. This is a standalone expansion pack. It takes about 4 hours to complete the story, but to be fair, that's how long some FPS's take nowadays, so it's not to bad. Plus at the low (download price) of £15 it's about a 3rd the price of a full game.

Anywho, the game. Well it's not brilliant. It all screams "lazy". The story is fun, Satan kidnaps your main character from the previous games and you have to go into hell to save her (or him). You can play as either Gat or Kinzie. I chose Kinzie cause she's just awesome.... and rather hot :p. But the story is told mostly through a story book style thing and it's not that funny compared to Saints 3 or 4. There isn't really any story missions either, just the "challenges" and "distractions". The musical number is however pretty brilliant, certainly better than most musical things *cough* Frozen *cough*. But that's the only music you get, there is no soundtrack at all, which is a shame as that is often a brilliant part of a Saints game.

To be honest, you already know if you're going to like/play this or not. It's a Saints game. It's £15. I'd personally wait for it to come on sale (as Saints Row stuff is on sale usually once a month). But it's certainly better than alot of game tat out there. It just should've been longer and maybe make a bit more effort and made it a proper game.


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