Sunday 11 January 2015

My Top 10 films of the year (2014)

To also get you aquainted with my movie going tastes, here is my top 10 films of 2014. Now as you will see, I don't go for the "oscar" films as those are 99% of the time a load of bollocks. But I do have an extremely varied taste in films as you will see.

10 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This is primarly here because I couldn't put the film before this (Rise of the apes) which was an amazing film. This is still very good, with breathtaking cgi and oscar worthy performaces from Andy Serkis (not that a film like this would ever even get noticed by oscary people).  Plus ya know a big gorilla on top of a horse duel wielding M60 machine guns, damn cool!

9 - Lucy
I honestly don't remember this that well. But I know I thought it was very good. This is done by one of fav directors Luc Besson (Leon) and stars the always pleasing to the eye Scarlett Johansson (although doesn't look quite as good in this, neither me or my fiance could work out why though) as unwilling drug muel turned borderline god. It looks kool and the ending is very clever.

8 - St Vincent
This is the only "comedy" on the list and I have put comedy in inverted commas because it's one of those comedies that is half comedy then after about an hour turns pretty damn serious and even (in my case) makes you tearful. Bill Murray is brilliant as the title character and, well yeah, it's damn funny and rather heart warming. Even Melissa McCarthy is good in it.

7 - Guardians of the Galaxy
As good as this is, it's definately the most over-rated film of the year. Yes Groot/Vin Diesel is brilliant. Yes Rocket/Bradley Cooper are too. Yes so is Dave Bautista. Yes it looks really good and is often freakin hilarious but.... errr.... Ok it is a very good film. It's just not the 10/10 masterpiece everyone seems to hale it. It's not even the best Marvel film (I raise you Blade or Iron Man).

6 - Under the skin
or "The film where Scarlett Johansson gets completely naked" as it might as well be called to about 90% of the people who wanted to see it. It was the main reason my fiance and I watched it. I however thought it was a very good film too. Yes it is arty nonsense. Hardly anyone speaks and they actually made Scotland look pretty! But the film was engaging and mysterious and I really liked it..... Plus ya know, Scarlett naked :D

5 - Godzilla
Well this was alot better than I thought it would be. OK Godzilla himself might only have something like 20 minutes of screen time, but when he shows up and kicks ass at the end, it's so damn kool. Especially with his blue flame of death. Plus with Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor thingy), the better Olsen sister (Elizabeth I've been informed), Mr Breaking Bad and Ken (spends 90% of the film with his mouth wide open) Watanabe the acting chops are very good too.

4 - A Long Way Down
It's amazing how you can make a film about 4 people who all want to kill themselves so nicely entertaining. It's kind of a rom-com, but ya know, with suicide. Being as that is the central theme, there is some very serious bits and the 4 leads (Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collete, Imogen Poots & Aaron Paul) all pull this off very well, if I remember correctly, maybe my cry a tad in the process

3 - Her
I only watched this 'cause I found it for £2 in a charity shop and new I could sell it for more. But I'm so glad I watched it. It's hard to describe but it's a sort of rom-com, where the "com" is short for computer as well as comedy. Joaquin (stupid name) Phoenix falls in love with the AI in his computer (Scar Jo again) and that's it really. But it's very well made and oh so sad at the end.

2 - Horns
First off Daniel Radcliffes American accent in this is astonishing, he sounds like a completely different person. The plot is basic, everyone thinks he killed his wife when he hasn't and he has to prove them wrong. But he devlops these Horns that make everyone around him do "devlish" things and unleash their darkest fantasies/secrets on him....It's very clever and really well done.

1 - Need For Speed
Yes this really is that good. Not just as an adaption of a game or a "car movie". Imogen Poots (and the equally pretty) Aaron Paul spend about half this film driving around in a Mustang. But the action scenes are amazing, all done properly without a hint of cgi. It's suprisingly solid on the acting front as the script isn't as bad as everyone probably assumes it is. OK, maybe Horns or Her are "better" films. But I personally fucking loved this and that's why it's my number one. Plus Aaron Paul is just so kool.

Well there you have it. I think I should also point out my actor/tress of the year must be Scarlett Johansson as she is in 3 of those films and 2 of the films mentioned below.
Here are a few honourable mentions of films that didn't quite make the cut for me:
X-Men: Days of Future Past, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, 3 Days to Kill, Chef, Transendence, Edge of Tomorrow, Last Vegas, Grudge Match, Lone Survivor & A Million ways to die in the west.

Let me know what you think, how right/wrong I am in the comments below please.

Au revoir!

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