Wednesday 14 January 2015

Halloween (1978 original)

This has to be the 5th or 6th time i've seen Halloween, but the 1st time in at least 5 years. I used to love it. But today, it wasn't as brilliant as I remembered.

Partly it's not aged brilliantly. Nothing really happens for an hour, it's all "tension" building, which dosen't work on me that well. Yes Michael Myers is far more menacing than either Freddy or Jason, but he has nothing to do but stand still and look a bit creepy for an hour. In this day and age (as my fiance put it) he looks more like he's going to rape the girls than kill them, by the way he's standing there staring at them. Also nowadays this 18 rated film, I think, could almost be a 12, it's seriously tame. There is next to no blood/gore, no swearing and only the briefest of tit shot.

This all being said though, I still like Halloween and it is my favourite out of the big 3. The Nightmare on Elm Streets are ok. The 1st one is still pretty good, as is 2 and 3 but they get very bad after that. The Friday the 13th's are all over the place. If I remember correctly, I really like part 5 and Jason X and that was it (and of course Freddy vs Jason was awesome).

Tension building films rarely work on me, but once this get's going there's something about it, that is very entertaining.


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